Programs of Work
IFA’s largest body of work – adult vaccination – contributes to V4L’s vision of a world of healthy older people whose rights to safe and appropriate vaccines are protected and respected through programs that hold high the principles of prevention, access, and equity.
Since its inception, the IFA V4L has become a global leader in evidence to action adult vaccination policy. With evidence spanning across multiple countries and regions, the V4L program has established a robust knowledge base on key topics such as messaging and communication in adult vaccination, the inclusion of adult vaccination in national immunization programs and National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG) recommendations, immunization policy in long-term care settings, equity in adult vaccination, and vaccine confidence.
Healthy ageing is about creating environments (including immunization protection) and opportunities that enable people to be and do what they have reason to value, regardless of where a person lives their lives. To support this, the VacciNet database include various materials under the following themes:

Vaccines by disease
Learn more about Vaccine4Life’s work around infectious diseases, including influenza, pneumococcal pneumonia, pertussis, shingles, and COVID-19.

Equity and advocacy
Learn more about Vaccine4Life’s pillars of prevention, access, and equity to ensure that immunization is a priority in the prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases for older adults.

Learn more about Vaccine4Life’s review of the National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs).

Long-term care
Learn more about Vaccine4Life’s commitment to improve uptake rates of immunization to those most vulnerable, including residents of long-term care settings.
Healthy ageing is about creating environments (including immunization protection) and opportunities that enable people to be and do what they have reason to value, regardless of where a person lives their lives. To support this, the VacciNet database include various materials under the following themes:

Vaccines by disease
Learn more about Vaccine4Life’s work around infectious diseases, including influenza, pneumococcal pneumonia, pertussis, shingles, and COVID-19.

Equity and advocacy
Learn more about Vaccine4Life’s pillars of prevention, access, and equity to ensure that immunization is a priority in the prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases for older adults.

Coming soon - Learn more about Vaccine4Life’s review of the National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs).